Iceni Warrior Interview: Alex Murphy
Kicking off our brand new ‘Iceni Warrior’ interview feature is professional skater and Dancing on Ice 2020 champion, Alex Murphy. Our 'Iceni Warrior' interviews aim to inspire and support women of all ages as well as normalise the conversations around periods.
Alex is the definition of an Iceni Warrior, at 24 she suffered a near-fatal stroke whilst skating due to a hole in her heart. Luckily due to her level of fitness, she made a full recovery and has since worked with stroke charities to raise awareness and now mentors young people who have suffered from similar experiences.
Now over to Alex herself...
What did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a reporter actually! I knew I always wanted to be in TV, and when the skating jobs came calling I knew I had to try them as well!
What has been one of your proudest moments and why?
Winning 2 dancing on ice titles has been my proudest moment thus far. Both times felt so different and both so incredible. The first time I won I was recovering from a stroke and the show totally gave me my confidence back and the second time I felt like I had finally proven to myself I was worthy to be there!
What is the scariest thing you’ve ever done?
I love scary stuff! Every year on my anniversary of my stroke, I do something crazy like skydiving or bunjee jumping!
What is one thing you can’t live without?
My puppy Tony!
What advice would you give to your younger self?
Everything always works out for you! There is no need to stress because things always work out how they should!
What is one sport or skill you wish you could master?
I’d love to learn to play a musical instrument!
What movie or TV show would you recommend?
I love the crown and the queens gambit!
What is something you are scared of?
If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?
The ability to fly so I could travel to see my family as much as I wanted to!
How do you find strength when you are going through difficult times?
I believe in law of attraction and positive thinking so I always think if you stay positive, good things will always happen!
Who is your biggest inspiration in life?
My mom and dad! They are so supportive and they always encourage me to do my best at everything
At what age did you start your period, and was it a scary experience?
Because I was an athlete, I started much later than most at 16… it was more of an uncomfortable experience because I just wanted to be able to skate and I was self conscious!
Do you play sports / keep active whilst on your period?
I always stay active while on my period- it’s so important! It helps with cramps and hormones!!! It always makes me feel so much better.
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